July 15, 2014

Heavy Doses of High Sierra Mountain Medicine (Spiritual Crisis', Sick Hearts & Deconstructing “The Big Three”)

July-August 2014
“These mountains are our Holy Land, and we ought to saunter through them reverently...”
–Brother John

            So I climb down from the mountain and check the news. Not surprisingly, once again another US and European bomb fueled religious war disguised as politics racks the so-called “Holy Land”. Not a coincidence, I suspect, that this theme has been on my mind a lot this summer. Sometimes, most times, while in the midst of these High Sierra mountain temples it is quite easy to ponder religion/spirituality/the Great Spirit/Mother Earth/God/science... whatever you choose to call the attempt to understand the Great Mystery is fine – I’m not concerned with labels or semantics. As with most so-called controversial subjects, rather than shying away from chatting about them I tend to just dive in headfirst and try to stir it up (always with a laugh and a smile, of course.) After reverently sauntering amongst these divine mountains and forests for a few years I’ve come to the conclusion that the root of most if not all of our modern dilemmas is simply this: the separation of Man/Woman from Earth (alas that this has been violently re-enforced by all the so-called ‘great’ religions). It is this arrogant notion that we are superior to and not a part of Mother Earth and all of her beings, particularly each other. Our connection is gone. Our spirit is lost. So perhaps the root of the crisis we face in this mad modern world is not political, nor economic, nor social, but… spiritual – something that some Indigenous folks have been saying for centuries.