Day 2, July 30
is a very busy place in the Summer. After a long morning of waiting in lines,
our backcountry permit is secured, but only for a next day departure. So we had
to skip what had promised to be an extraordinary first night down in Lyell
Canyon. Bummed, but realizing that wherever we ended up would be jaw dropping,
we weren’t too upset. Plus it’s all the more reason to return to this special,
special place for another trip very soon. After a delicious hot breakfast of
eggs, bacon and hashbrowns, and a good chat with the good folks sitting around
the little communal breakfast table at the Tuolumne Lodge restaurant, we head
out for the day. Instead of backpacking into Lyell Canyon, we day hike up to
the famous Mono Pass, where you get a clear yet distant view of Mono Lake via
Bloody Canyon and down through the eastern valley. As we started off, I was
very conscious of the fact that something I had been planning and dreaming up
for a very long time was now underway – my first visit to Yosemite’s High
Sierra backcountry. Momentous moments abound this Summer.